March 28, 2011

Chocolate chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream

 I have a rule of thumb: A bakery is only as good as it's chocolate cake. It comes from the same theory as a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.

I always crave chocolate, I am a girl after all, and hasn't chocolate been linked to the X chromosome? Well not yet, but I think my eating habits could be a pretty valid hypothesis!

The problem is whenever I order chocolate cake, I end up with a mouthful of a dry, unflavorful, imposter of what chocolate tastes like. Harumph. Why is it so hard to get that delicious chocolatey fudgeyness into cake form??? Well chocolate lovers I have found the solution to the choclate cake woes, or rather Ina Garten's friend Beatty has. I have no idea who Beatty is but in my head she encompasses everything pure and great. She's god.

The cake is so moist and full of chocolate flavor I almost teared with the first bite. She has a few unfamiliar ingredients such as buttermilk and freshly brewed coffee that add great flavor. The buttercream is out of this world. It's important to use good semi-sweet chocolate instead of chocolate chips. I used a bar of Ghirardelli chocolate.

After icing this cake I had to fight ever fiber in my body to not faceplant it. It's amazing. I have come to the conclusion, when done right, there is absolutely nothing more satisfying than chocolate cake.

Here's a link to the recipe

(I'll be giving you links to Ina Garten's recipes for now. She has them copyrtighted and I haven't quite figured out what that means for blogging.)

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